Be it office or dinner party handbag is a must partner. To take care of this important partner of your life, here is a short guide. This is how I take care of my handbags too even luggage bags.
Handbag of a woman has her world in it. Be it money, sanitary pads or lipsticks, handbag hides your secrets and keep safe all the valuable belongings. That is why we must take care of our beloved partner in return.
the first lesson for keeping your bag clean and decluttered is to open all zips and take out all that is inside it. In this way the inner linen gets clean. Also use a lint roller is possible or else use a small handy vacuum cleaner.
Now let's talk about other varieties of bags.
Add a little liquid soap and mix well. Take a soft cloth and soak it in the liquid. soap mixture, squeeze it nicely and wipe the leather bags. Now wipe the bags once more thoroughly with a dry towel. Take moisturizer in your palm and nicely apply it in the bags.
To remove different strains - Use a paste of lemon juice and tartar cream sauce (keep it for 20 mins on the spot) wipe it with a semi-damp cloth.
Ink Stains -- Use cotton dipped in rubbing alcohol on the particular spot. Inkspot will vanish, wipe it with a semi-damp cloth.
It's very easy to clean cloth or canvas bags Like we wash our clothes these bags can also be cleaned with detergents and dry them. Only we need to keep in mind, never squeeze instead dry it in the sun and use it.
Most difficult to clean as dirt sits in each place as it is woven. That is why it is suggested to vacuum clean jute bags regularly or else use an upholstry brush to clean. To remove stains brush(toothbrush) it with dishwasher liquid.
To restore the shape of the bag put tissue paper, newspaper, small cushion or even bubble wrap. Always cover your bags with a cotton cloth or else use old cotton pillow covers.
This is how you can be a happy owner of beautiful bags.
Be it office or dinner party handbag is a must partner. To take care of this important partner of your life, here is a short guide. This is how I take care of my handbags too even luggage bags.
Handbag of a woman has her world in it. Be it money, sanitary pads or lipsticks, handbag hides your secrets and keep safe all the valuable belongings. That is why we must take care of our beloved partner in return.
the first lesson for keeping your bag clean and decluttered is to open all zips and take out all that is inside it. In this way the inner linen gets clean. Also use a lint roller is possible or else use a small handy vacuum cleaner.
Now let's talk about other varieties of bags.
Add a little liquid soap and mix well. Take a soft cloth and soak it in the liquid. soap mixture, squeeze it nicely and wipe the leather bags. Now wipe the bags once more thoroughly with a dry towel. Take moisturizer in your palm and nicely apply it in the bags.
To remove different strains - Use a paste of lemon juice and tartar cream sauce (keep it for 20 mins on the spot) wipe it with a semi-damp cloth.
Ink Stains -- Use cotton dipped in rubbing alcohol on the particular spot. Inkspot will vanish, wipe it with a semi-damp cloth.
It's very easy to clean cloth or canvas bags Like we wash our clothes these bags can also be cleaned with detergents and dry them. Only we need to keep in mind, never squeeze instead dry it in the sun and use it.
Most difficult to clean as dirt sits in each place as it is woven. That is why it is suggested to vacuum clean jute bags regularly or else use an upholstry brush to clean. To remove stains brush(toothbrush) it with dishwasher liquid.
To restore the shape of the bag put tissue paper, newspaper, small cushion or even bubble wrap. Always cover your bags with a cotton cloth or else use old cotton pillow covers.
This is how you can be a happy owner of beautiful bags.
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