Broccoli is very new to the Indian kitchen, its native is Italy. Nowadays each house cooks pasta, lasagne, spaghetti, etc along with other Indian foods. It is awarded the name 'Superfood', and I am going to give you all an idea of its goodness.
Though broccoli is a winter season vegetable nowadays we get it the whole year. It is counted amongst the top vegetable for its nutritive values. It contains cancer-preventing chemical compounds like sulforaphane. It has Glucoraphanin and selenium. It has vitamins and minerals in abundance, which are anti-cancer agents. Due to the presence of Sulphur, vitamin C and some essential amino acid broccoli are best for detoxification. It helps to reduce free radicals and uric acid from our body and that is why blood gets purified and one has good skin. Since it contains Vitamin C, beta carotene, Vitamin B complex, Folate, Vitamin A it increases the shine and glow of skin and hair.
It is also good for the stomach. It has more fiber than other vegetables it eradicates constipation and ensures proper bowel movements.
Magnesium present in broccoli helps in digestion and reduces acidity. It helps to control blood pressure, reduces bad cholesterol. Keep your heart young.
Reduces anemia.
It is good for eyes as it contains Vitamin A and E and Phosphorus.
Increases immunity power.
Keeps bones strong.
It contains more protein than other vegetables but its calorie count is less thus helps reducing weight.
As it is a very good vegetable, the doctor recommends for children and for children and even for would-be mothers.
India is second in terms of broccoli production.
One can steam or eat raw as a salad, one can make soups and vegetables, it's food value is very high.
If you are cooking, cook at low temperatures to keep the nourishment intact.
Broccoli is very new to the Indian kitchen, its native is Italy. Nowadays each house cooks pasta, lasagne, spaghetti, etc along with other Indian foods. It is awarded the name 'Superfood', and I am going to give you all an idea of its goodness.
Though broccoli is a winter season vegetable nowadays we get it the whole year. It is counted amongst the top vegetable for its nutritive values. It contains cancer-preventing chemical compounds like sulforaphane. It has Glucoraphanin and selenium. It has vitamins and minerals in abundance, which are anti-cancer agents. Due to the presence of Sulphur, vitamin C and some essential amino acid broccoli are best for detoxification. It helps to reduce free radicals and uric acid from our body and that is why blood gets purified and one has good skin. Since it contains Vitamin C, beta carotene, Vitamin B complex, Folate, Vitamin A it increases the shine and glow of skin and hair.
It is also good for the stomach. It has more fiber than other vegetables it eradicates constipation and ensures proper bowel movements.
Magnesium present in broccoli helps in digestion and reduces acidity. It helps to control blood pressure, reduces bad cholesterol. Keep your heart young.
Reduces anemia.
It is good for eyes as it contains Vitamin A and E and Phosphorus.
Increases immunity power.
Keeps bones strong.
It contains more protein than other vegetables but its calorie count is less thus helps reducing weight.
As it is a very good vegetable, the doctor recommends for children and for children and even for would-be mothers.
India is second in terms of broccoli production.
One can steam or eat raw as a salad, one can make soups and vegetables, it's food value is very high.
If you are cooking, cook at low temperatures to keep the nourishment intact.
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